North/West Passage
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Project 8.1
Operations Task Force – Year 1

Traveler information and operations staff have been engaged in North/West Passage activities on a somewhat limited basis as the steering committee members often have indirect responsibility for or involvement in one or both functions. The desire to strengthen coordination among the states, particularly during major events, makes routine interaction among this staff even more important. It is anticipated that by engaging these individuals directly on specific projects, it will enhance the scope of individual projects, support further implementation of project findings, establish relationships and increase interaction among the states outside of major events.

The task force provided more in-depth expertise on the states' individual operating procedures and on the approaches that North/West Passage could pursue to strengthen and maintain coordination among the states, particularly during major events. In Spring 2014, the task force participants were surveyed regarding their perceptions of the value of extending the task force or transitioning it to a more permanent role. Responses suggested and the steering committee agreed to extend the task force for another year from 2014-2015 (Project 9.1 Operations Task Force – Year 2).

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Site Updated: Jan. 5, 2024
North/West Passage