North/West Passage
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Project 9.2
Peer Exchange

The North/West Passage states have continuously identified peer exchange opportunities as an important benefit as a member to the corridor program. Learning from others and not duplicating efforts is an important focus for the members. Peer exchange opportunities for the past 10 years have occurred once a year at the in person North/West Passage Steering Committee Annual Meetings or during selected projects. For example Project 8.2 – Concept for Rural TMC/TOC Operations included a peer exchange meeting held in Cheyenne, Wyoming to share lessons learned from states with TMC/TOC operations to assist those states that are considering developing a TMC/TOC. Peer exchange opportunities are also available during the monthly calls held by the members. This project conducted meeting(s) via webinar or in person to share information on member-identified topics of interest.

Variable Speed Limits

This webinar was hosted on January 28, 2015 and featured approaches to and experiences with variable speed limits (VSL) in the states of Washington, Wyoming and Kansas. The following materials are available from this webinar:

DOT Efficiencies

This webinar was hosted on March 30, 2015 and featured examples of efficiencies, with associated benefits and cost savings as applicable, from Washington, Idaho, North Dakota, and Minnesota. The following materials are available from this webinar:

Site Updated: Jan. 5, 2024
North/West Passage